Msonkhano wa Kennedy wa Page-to-Stage Festival 2017

Chiwonetsero cha nyengo ya kugwa ku Washington, DC

Tsiku lililonse Lamlungu la Sabata, Kennedy Center imakhala ndi phwando lake lamasewero lamasewero lomwe limakhala ndi maofesi apamwamba ndi malo oposa 60 ochokera ku Washington, DC. Chikondwerero cha chaka chino ndi mbali ya Kennedy Center ya Centennial Celebration ya Pulezidenti John F. Kennedy, yomwe inachitika pa May 29, 2017. Malo owonetsera masewera ndi ojambula amachitiramo ziwonetsero zomasuka, zowerengera nyimbo, ndi masewero a masewero atsopano omwe amakhalapobe chitukuko.

Masewerowa amathetsa mavuto monga kudzifufuza, kudzimvera maganizo, komanso kuthana ndi mavuto. Osonkhana akulimbikitsidwa kuti adye nawo zokambirana pambuyo pa zokambirana ndi ojambula okhudza nkhani zovuta zomwe zimawakhudza iwo, ndikupanga zochitika zomwe zidzachitike m'ntchito ya playwrights.

Nthawi ndi Nthawi

September 2-4, 2017

Loweruka, masana-10 koloko
Lamlungu, 6-7 madzulo
Lolemba, 11 am-10 pm


Tsamba-to-Stage ndi yomasuka ndipo imatsegulidwa kwa anthu. Palibe matikiti amafunika. Kukhala pansi kumayambira koyamba, maziko oyamba. Milingo imatseguka mphindi 30 isanayambe ntchito iliyonse. Kukhala pansi kuli kochepa ndipo pamakhala kupezeka.

Malo ndi Maulendo

Kennedy Center ili pa 2700 F. St. NW, Washington, DC pafupi ndi Foggy Bottom / George Washington Univ. Metro Station. KUKHALA KULIMBA Kennedy Center Shuttle kumachoka pa mphindi khumi ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zisanu ndi zitatu; 10 koloko-pakati pa usiku, Loweruka; masana-pakati pa usiku, Lamlungu; ndi 4:00 madzulo-Pakati pa usiku pa maholide a Federal.

Kuika kwapadera kwapadera sikupezeka pamene mukupita ku zochitika zaulere. Zochita zikuchitika mu Kennedy Center.

Masewera Owonera

Theatre MTC, African-American Collective Theater (ACT), Ally Theatre Company, Arts pa Horizon, Arcturus Theater Company, Bungwe la Baltimore Playwrights, Best Medicine Rep, Brave Soul Collective, Bridge Club: Writer's Collective, University of America, City Chipinda cha Ana, CNU Initiative Student Theater, Coppin Repertory Theatre, galu & pony dc, The Essential Theater, Faction of the Fools, Factory 449, YAM'MBUYO YOTSATIRA PA ROSE, Flying V, Ford Theatre, Forum Theatre, FRESHH Inc.

Company of Theatre, Gang of Five, Yunivesite ya Georgetown, Guillotine Theatre, The Highwood Theatre, Indian Ocean Theatre Company, JBE Productions, Keegan Theatre, Kennedy Center Kenan Fellowship Program, Project Theatre Theatre, Kampani ya Naked Theatre, Nu Sass Productions, One Off Productions, OpenStage, Pallas Theater Collective, Pinky Kulumbira Zolemba, Pipeline Playwrights, Playwrights Ogwirizanitsa, Gulu la Playwrights la Baltimore, Safe Streets Arts Foundation, Scena Theatre, Seventh Street Playhouse, Company Punk Theater, Theatre Alliance ya Washington, DC, The Prometheus, Company Tonic Theater, Damn Theatre Yambiri, Makampani Osayembekezereka, Maphunziro a Phwando la Maryland, Dance ndi Performance Studies, Unknown Penguin, Venus Theater Company, Washington Improv Theatre (WIT), Washington Stage Guild, Washington Rogues, We Happy Few Productions, The Welders, The Wheel Company The End Theatre, Wit's End Map, ndi Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company

Pa nthawi yonse, pitani ku

Musaphonye Concert ya Tsiku la Sabata Lamlungu, September 3, 2017 pa 8 koloko pa West Lawn wa U.

S. Capitol. National Symphony Orchestra ikuchita msonkhano waulere.

Pulogalamu ya John F. Kennedy ya Zojambula Zojambula ndi malo oyendetsa malo oyang'anira mzinda, kupereka machitidwe pafupifupi 3,000 pachaka. Werengani Zambiri Zokhudza Kennedy Center

Mukufuna malo oti mudye kudera lanu? Onani chitsogozo ku Malo Odyera Odyera pafupi ndi Kennedy Center