Museum of the Moving Image

Chithunzi cha Museum of the Moving ku Astoria , Queens, chinatsegula zitseko zake mu Januwale 2011 ku matsenga, mbiri, teknoloji, ndi luso la mafilimu ndi zithunzi zonse zosuntha. Ndi nyumba yosungiramo zinthu zochititsa chidwi yomwe ili ndi manja ndi zochitika zomwe zidzakondwere achinyamata ndi akuluakulu. Loweruka ndi Lamlungu mukondweretse mafilimu mu kanema.

Chipinda choyamba chiri ndi malo osungiramo mphatso ya Museum of the Moving Image, cafe, ndi pakhomo la masewero a kanema.

Kumtunda kumapangidwe malo osatha ndikusintha ziwonetsero.

Danga latsopano losachedwa kungakhale losokoneza. Funsani njira. Ndikukupemphani kuti muyambe pansi pachitatu.

Zithunzi za Museum of the Moving Image:

Khalani gawo la mafilimu opanga mafilimu kudzera mu mawonetsero owonetserako:

Komanso musangalale ndi masewera ovala zovala za mafilimu, zithunzi, nyimbo, masks, komanso masewera. Inde, pali kuwonetsedwa kwakukulu kwa Star Wars ndi Star Trek memorabilia ndi toyese. Mawu anai onse owona omwe akufuna kumvetsera: Mugulu wa Coffee Leia.

Movie Screenings ku Museum of the Moving Image:

Zithunzi zamakono ndi mafilimu ena osangalatsa amasonyezedwa kumapeto kwa mlungu uliwonse, ndi masiku ena, masewero a kanema ndi malo ochezera osungirako ku Museum of the Moving Image.

Zojambula pa Webusaiti - Museum of the Moving Image:

Nyumba yosungiramo zinthu zakale imasunga mawebusaiti ena:

Maola ndi kuvomereza - Museum of the Moving Image:

Kuloledwa :

Musindikizi wa Museum of the Moving Image ndi Nambala yafoni:

Nyumba ya Museum of the Moving ili ku Astoria, komwe kumadera amakumana ndi Long Island City. Ndiyendo wapansi ku subway ndi malo odyera ambiri. Pakhomo lolowera ku Museum ndi Kaufman Astoria Studios kumene mafilimu ndi ma TV akuwonetsedwa.

Chakudya ndi Kumwa:

Nyumba ya Museum of the Moving Image ya Cafe imapereka masangweji, zokometsera, khofi, ndi zakumwa. Ndi yabwino komanso yoyera.

Malo oyandikana nawo amapereka zosankha zosiyana kwambiri. M'mizere khumi muli zakudya za ku Italy ndi Greek, ndi malo odyera odyera zakudya kuchokera ku Bangladesh, Ecuador, Thailand, Mexico, Greece, Brazil, ndi Mideast. Onani zambiri zokhudza malo odyera ku Astoria .

Pakati pa msewu, malo odyera 5 Nkhumba Burger ndi yabwino kwambiri. Chakudya ndi chabwino ndipo ntchito imachedwa. Ngakhale zingakhale zopanda phindu kubweretsa ana, zosangalatsa zimapindulitsa.

Mzinda wa Arharn wa ku Thai (32-05 36 Ave) ndi wabwino kusankha chakudya chosafunika. Mapiritsi ali $ 7- $ 12 ndi nsomba zokazinga zowonjezereka.

Malangizo Oyendetsa Galimoto ku Museum of the Moving Image:

Mapaki ku Museum of the Moving Image:

Pakati pa zaka za 2000, malo oyandikana ndi nyumba yosungiramo zinthu zakale anadzidzidzimutsa ndi anthu ambiri. Malo osungirako masitima ndiwo okhawo owonongeka. Zimakhala zovuta kupeza masitepe pamsewu. Yesani padenga lapafupi pawuni yapafupi ya UA Kaufman Astoria (35-30 38th St).

Pagalimoto yanu yabwino kwambiri ndi kuchoka pagalimoto pakhomo ndi kuyenda pagalimoto.

Kupita ku Museum of the Moving Image ndi Sitimayo ndi Basi: